Hacham Ovadia Yossef 1983
Hacham Ovadia Yossef Jul 6 1999
Hacham Ovadia Yossef Jul 27 1999
Hacham Ovadia 2013 - Hurricane Sandy
Rabbinical Responsum on the Jersey Shore Erub
Among the consenting rabbis are Rabbi Ovadia Yossef shlita, the former Rishon Le'Zion cheif rabbi of Israel, the respected Rabbi Itzhak Kaduri shlita a"h, a renowned leader of Torah, Rabbi Yaakov Hillel shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Hevrat Ahavat Shalom, Rabbi Shalom Messas shlitaa"h, the former Rosh Av Bet Din of Jerusalem (Head of the Rabbinical Courts), Rabbi Efraim Laniado shlita of the Syrian community of Brazil, as well as Rabbi Moshe Heinemann shlita.
Rabbi Heinemann is the Halachic consultant for our Erub and has been so since its erection in 1999. Rabbi Heinemann is also the Halachic consultant for many other erubim, such as the Boston Erub, the Erub of Sharon, Massachusetts, and the Erub of Providence, Rhode Island.Rabbi Heinemann received his Semicha by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and has studied for many years under Rabbi Aharon Kotler. He also serves as the rabbinical supervisor of the Star-K kashrut certification.
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